About Gabata

Gabata (ገበጣ in Amharic) is the Ethiopian variation of Mancala. This traditional board game is commonly played using pits dug into the earth or carved into wooden surfaces. Each game involves two players, each with six pits, initially filled with four marbles, and a single empty deposit slot. The game unfolds as players carefully strategize their moves in an engaging competition of skill and foresight.

The primary objective is to outmaneuver one's opponent and accumulate a greater number of seeds or marbles in your own deposit slot. As marbles traverse the board, players must calculate and strategize to achieve favorable positions that will lead to capturing the opponent's marbles and ensuring their own success.

Despite experiencing a decline in popularity over the years, Gabata remains a captivating pursuit due to its strategic depth and mathematical underpinnings. The intricate dance of moving marbles, the suspenseful timing of capturing opponents' pieces, and the ultimate quest for a surplus of marbles in one's own deposit slot contribute to the enduring allure of this traditional Ethiopian game.

Now, you can experience the allure of this captivating game in a digital realm. Embrace the convenience of playing Gabata on your computer, either challenging a friend or engaging with bots programmed at varying levels of difficulty. This modern adaptation brings the essence of the traditional game to your screen, promising hours of strategic entertainment.

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How To Play Gabata

Learn the rules and become a pro!!

To start, players gather all the marbles from one of their pits and, adhering to the counterclockwise direction, meticulously distribute them one by one into successive slots. Notably, players never place marbles into their opponent's deposit slot. The precision and anticipation that accompany each move are crucial, as the game's rules prescribe the precise moment when a player's turn concludes.

Learn about the different features offered, download the game now and immerse yourself in the world of Gabata. Whether you seek a thrilling match against a human opponent or a strategic showdown against AI adversaries, this digital rendition offers a gateway to an ancient pastime, seamlessly integrated into the technological present.



Get the PC game for yourself and enjoy. Make sure you download the entire folder and not the exe file. Keep the .exe and the other files in the same directory. The application is compatible with Windows and Mac OS.


About Creator

My name is Nathnael (Nati) Bekele. I am an international student from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at the University of Chicago. I am a senior majoring in Computer Science specializing in programming languages. I enjoy working on mini-projects where I get to practice different programming skills while developing usable products, writing small bash scripts, and playing with my neovim setup.

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